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Child ' s Pose
Therapeutic yoga

Lo Yoga Terapeutico è orientato clinicamente, personalizzato, guidato dall'anamnesi e basato sulla scienza.


Pratica nel rispetto di te stesso, grazie ad un percorso basato sulle tue esigenze avrai la possibilità di esplorare un nuovo approccio terapeutico, ricevendo preziosi strumenti personalizzati a supporto della tua salute fisica e armonia interiore.


Il percorso inizia con una prima seduta dedicata all'anamnesi, e prosegue con la valutazione fisica e del respiro, per poi proseguire con la creazione di un piano personalizzato, nel rispetto delle esigenze del cliente. 


Il mio consiglio è quello di iniziare con 5 sedute, per poi allinearsi alle proprie necessità.

* Sedute disponibili in Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo. 

Contattami per un appuntamento conoscitivo.

Il colloquio iniziale offre l'opportunità di studiare il percorso più giusto per Voi.

L'appuntamento ha una durata di 30', si svolge online ed è completamente gratuito.

Practice respecting yourself, thanks to a path based on your needs.

Therapeutic Yoga is oriented clinically, customized, drove from medical history e based about science.

Medical science teaches us that for some target people a series of precautions and variations to traditional yoga practices are necessary.The Therapeutic Yoga, learn and adapt, revolutionizing the approach to contemporary practice, with a new set of changes which are implemented to ensure and support the health of the patient.

Plus compared to a normal yoga class

  • personalized sessions based on an initial medical history

  • it adapts from time to time to the needs of the individual

  • supports the patient's lifestyle and psycho-physical balance

What is Therapeutic Yoga?

Therapeutic Yoga is the professional application of traditional yoga practices, integrated with knowledge of medicine, psychology, psycho-traumatology and the latest scientific research in the medical field. Si deals with the promotion of the ideal state of health and, thanks to its multidisciplinary approach,it can take over to restore the lost balance, aligning with more traditional medical therapies. 

Others is not that the doctor to make the diagnosis, thereforethe figure of the Yoga Therapist joins health professionals, specialist doctors, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, athletic trainers and researchers, collaborating in the creation of an integrated, safe and suitable path to health and well-being for the individual.

Within the therapeutic relationship, this multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to adapt the practice to the individual, promoting their physical, psychological and emotional health and well-being,thus having as its ultimate goal the harmonization of the person's lifestyle.

What is the difference between a yoga teacher and a yoga therapist?

The kinds of knowledge required to work as a yoga therapist are much more in-depth and profoundly different than those required in yoga teacher training. The FYoga therapist training, provides insights ofbio-medicine and psycho-traumatology, as well as other significant differences.Therapeutic yoga is oriented clinically, personalized, drove from medical history e based on science.

The course of study of the Certified Yoga Therapist with the American Register of Yoga Therapists IAYTrequires a minimum of 850 recognized training hours, in addition to basic training as a yoga teacher. This Master takes 2-3 years and, to be completed, must include at least 156 hours of real case studies and a final thesis.

In general, yoga teachers hold group classes and the focus tends to be on teaching a range of movements, regardless of the needs of the individual who may have specific physical or mental health needs. What is sometimes not taken into account is thatnot all yoga poses, breathing techniques or relaxation practices are suitable for everyone and, in some cases, can be highly contraindicated.A yoga therapist, due to his multidisciplinary training, has the knowledge to recognize when and how to adapt yoga practices according to the needs of the individual he is guiding in the practice.

For more information:

al The Yoga Therapy Institute



—  Micaela 

Mi sono avvicinata allo yoga grazie a Maria Elena avendo grosse disabilità non credevo potessi riuscire, ma grazie a Lei sì... Non sono mai riuscita a rilassarmi fino in fondo, ma con la tecnica di rilassamento che insegna è riuscita quasi a farmi addormentare, tanto che le ho chiesto di farmi un vocale in modo che tutte le sere io lo possa ascoltare e rilassarmi con la sua voce... Grazie mille di cuore 

—  Roberto

Ero molto diffidente rispetto allo yoga, ho partecipato a qualche lezione su zoom con i miei colleghi e mi sono dovuto ricredere. Ora non perdo mai il nostro appuntamento settimanale.


Non mi tocco i piedi con la punta del naso, ma è successo qualcosa di meglio, dormo e respiro molto meglio!

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