Love Resonance
According to Chinese Taoist philosophy, well-being comes when yin and yang, passive and active, soothing and stimulating are balanced. By combining the teachings of therapeutic yoga, Thai massage and international relaxation techniques, I promote a state of general balance in preparation for the body stillness of ultimate relaxation, in which I harmonize therapeutic musical instruments.
The Soundit is the link between all phenomena.
Everything that is in motion emits vibrations, therefore even the cells of our body, and our energies, produce sounds. We can therefore use sound vibrations to connect deeply, releasing stress and tension in a pleasant and relaxing way.
During sound harmonization, the vibrations they stimulate our entire system, including the corresponding organs and functions, awakening and bringing balance to our Biofields.
Techniques for releasing tension in the body
Functional breathing techniques
Deep relaxation
Sound harmonization
Calm and relax your mind and body
Promotes myofascial release
Pacify your breathing
Improve concentration levels
Reduces anxiety, mitigating fear and aggression
What is the recommended clothing?
It is advisable to wear comfortable socks and clothes, preferably in natural fibres.
Is there anything I should do before or after the session?
It is recommended to avoid taking caffeine in the two hours before the session.
If possible, you could organize your day so that you can maintain the state of relaxation even after the session.
— Mirjana
Un’ora con Maria Elena mi lascia in uno stato di assoluto benessere del corpo, mente e anima. Sicuramente ha un DONO che mi aiuta a raggiungere quel livello (ho una certa età e non è il mio primo approccio a Yoga).
— Carlita
Mi trovo benissimo con le sedute che fa Maria Elena, sono veramente rilassanti e ti fanno prendere consapevolezza con il tuo corpo. Ho imparato anche l'importanza della respirazione. La ringrazio.
— Mariagiovanna
"Carissima Maria Elena , grazie perché, con la tua guida, ritrovo la capacità di ascoltarmi senza giudizio e si rafforza la sensazione di compiere sempre un viaggio diverso , dentro di me."