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Sound health therapy

Discover and explore your relationship with sound and its vibration, it is a deeply relaxing and harmonizing experience.

How can sound therapy help me?

Sound therapy helps to restore harmony and balance, in the rhythms and biological processes of the body.  Vibrations stimulate the endocrine system, promoting the release of powerful healing hormones such as endorphins and serotonin.

During the session, different instruments are used, some of which are applied to the physical body, others played around the subtle energy fields of the body and, on its energy centers, the chakras.

Tuning forks, Himalayan bells, and other tribal instruments are just some of the instruments used in a sound therapy session. 


Tuning forks, for example, can be used on reflex points, joints and meridian points, as well as on and around the chakras and biofield for bioenergetic attunement:

• SonoPuncture - the application of tuning forks on the reflex points of the meridians, feet, hands and spine
• Osteophony - the application of tuning forks on joints and other bone processes of the body; great for restoring flexibility and movement to joints, ligaments, fascia, nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and painful or degenerative diseases such as fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy and others.
• Diaphony - the bioenergetic application of tuning forks on the chakras and in the subtle energy bodies (aura)


Another possible approach of this therapeutic branch is to explore one's own sound, with the awareness that one's Voice is theblueprintsof our vibration. Thus experiencing the healing potential of working consciously with one's identity, as our name encompasses our mantra.

Description of individual sound therapy treatment:

A typical session lasts approximately 90 minutes, of which 45 – 50 minutes are pure Sound.


Different instruments are used, some of which are applied to the physical body, others played around the subtle energy fields of the body and on the energy centers (chakras).


What can I expect from a Sound Therapy treatment?


Deep relaxation, thanks to a sense of total immersion in a safe bubble of calming and harmonizing sound. ​

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—  Mirjana

Un’ora con Maria Elena mi lascia in uno stato di assoluto benessere del corpo, mente e anima. Sicuramente ha un DONO che mi aiuta a raggiungere quel livello (ho una certa età e non è il mio primo approccio a Yoga).

—  Carlita

Mi trovo benissimo con le sedute che fa Maria Elena, sono veramente rilassanti e ti fanno prendere consapevolezza con il tuo corpo. Ho imparato anche l'importanza della respirazione. La ringrazio.

—  Mariagiovanna

"Carissima Maria Elena , grazie perché, con la tua guida, ritrovo la capacità di ascoltarmi senza giudizio e si rafforza la sensazione di compiere sempre un viaggio diverso , dentro di me."

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